Graduate in Medicine from the University of Barcelona
He has completed the specialty of Endocrinology at the Hospital del
Barcelona Sea (2018-2022).
He has focused his interest and has subspecialized in:
-Transgender medicine. He has undergone specific training and directs our Transgender Medicine Unit
-Diabetes, type 1 diabetes and new technologies applied to diabetes. He has carried out research in relation to the impact of glycemic control on the severity and mortality of COVID-19.
He has received training in thyroid diagnostic and interventional radiological techniques (ultrasound and thyroid ultrasound FNAC).
He is currently completing his doctoral thesis in the field of diabetes.
He is a member of the Spanish Society of Endocrinology (SEEN) and the Spanish Diabetes Society (SED).
LANGUAGES: Catalan, Spanish, English
C/Calabria 241, Bajos 08029 Barcelona
Registration Code of Centers, Services and
Health Establishments of Catalonia: E08702641